Step 2 - Configure EM Communications
You need to install an Apple Push Notification (APN) certificate and a Google Cloud Messaging (GSM) token on your portal so Endpoint Manager can communicate with your managed devices.
The following sections explain how to:
Apple Push Notification Certificate
- You need to install an Apple Push Notification (APN) certificate on your EM instance if you wish to manage iOS or Mac devices.
- You can enroll for an APN certificate using your Apple account. If you do not have an Apple account then please create one at A free account is enough.
- The certificate is valid for one year. Endpoint Manager will remind you when your certificate is nearing expiry. It is free to renew the certificate each year.
- Follow the steps below to obtain and install an APN certificate:
Step 1- Generate your PLIST
- Click 'Settings' > 'Portal Set-Up' > 'Client Settings'
- Click the 'macOS / iOS' tab.
- Click the 'Create APNs Certificate' button to open the application form
- Complete the application form to generate a certificate signing request (CSR):
- Complete all fields marked with an asterisk. The information in these fields will go into your certificate, so be as accurate as possible.
- Click 'Create'.
- This will send a request to Comodo to sign the CSR and generate an Apple PLIST.
- Usually your request will be fulfilled in seconds:
- Download your Apple PLIST from the link in step 1. The file has a name similar to 'COMODO_Apple_CSR.csr'. Please save this to your local drive.
- Step 2 - Obtain Your Certificate From Apple
- Login to the 'Apple Push Certificates Portal' with your Apple ID at
- If you do not have an Apple account then please create one at
- Once logged in, click 'Create a Certificate'.
Agree to Apple's EULA to proceed:
- On the next page, click 'Choose File', browse to the location where you stored 'COMODO_Apple_CSR.csr' and click 'Upload'.
Apple servers will process your request and generate your push certificate. You can download your certificate from the confirmation screen:
- Click the 'Download' button and save the certificate to a secure location. It is a .pem file with a name similar to 'MDM_COMODO GROUP LTD._Certificate.pem'
- Step 3 - Upload your certificate to EM
- Return to EM, click 'Settings' > 'Portal Set-Up' > 'Client Settings' > 'macOS / iOS'
- Click the 'Browse' button, locate your certificate file and select it.
- Click 'Save' to upload your certificate.
The certificate details box shows your certificate fields and the start/end dates:
Endpoint Manager can now communicate with iOS and Mac OS devices. You can enroll iOS devices and Mac OS devices for management.
- The certificate is valid for 365 days. EM will remind you when your certificate is due to expire.
- We advise you renew your certificate at least 1 week before expiry. If it is allowed to expire, you will need to re-enroll all your iOS and Mac devices.
- Click 'Renew' in the APNs certificate details interface to renew the cert:
- Click 'Delete' only if you wish to remove the certificate so you can generate a new APNs certificate
Add Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) Token
- Endpoint Manager requires a Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) token in order to communicate with Android devices.
- Endpoint Manager ships with a default token, but you can also generate a unique GCM token if required.
- To get a token, you must first create a project in the Google Developers console.
- Please follow the steps below to create a project and upload a token.
- Step 1 - Create a New Project
- Login to the Google Firebase API console at, using your Google account.
- Click 'Add Project'

- Type a name for the new project in the 'Project Name' field
- Click the pencil icon beside the 'Locations' field. Select your country and the Firestore server closest to you
- 'Use default settings for sharing Google Analytics for Firebase data' – Leave this selected
- Agree to the terms and conditions then click 'Create Project'.
Click 'Continue' to go to the project dashboard

- Step 2 - Obtain GCM Token and Project number
- Click the hamburger button at top-left
- Click the gear icon beside 'Project Overview' and choose 'Project settings':
- The 'Settings' screen for the project will open
- Click the 'Cloud Messaging' tab:
Copy the server key and sender ID
- Step 3 - Enter GCM Token and Project number
- Login to Endpoint Manager
- Click 'Settings' > 'Portal Set-Up' > 'Client Settings' > 'Android' > 'Android Cloud Messaging' tab
- Click the edit button
at the top right of the 'Cloud Messaging Token' column, to view the GCM token and project number fields
- Paste the 'Server key' into 'Android (GCM) Token' field.
- Paste the Sender ID into 'Android (GCM) Project Number' field.
- Click 'Save'.
Your settings will be updated and the token/project number displayed in the same interface.
Endpoint Manager can now use the token to communicate with Android devices.