DNS Requirements
- Endpoint Manager (ITSM) requires several domain names which should be resolved by different components.
- Endpoint Manager (ITSM) requires a minimum of one base domain and about 10 subdomains on the same level that should be resolved by different components. Otherwise you have to specify each required subdomain on every endpoint according to infrastructure.
- Basic dns domain should be set by customer. But there are few requirements for existing domains / subdomains.
List of required domains:
- Base domain
- Itsm-domain
- Xmpp-domain
- Rmm-domain
- Patch-Management-domain
- Audit-log-domain
- Download-domain
- RealtimeDeviceCommunication-API-domain
- RealtimeDeviceCommunication-Relay-domain
- BulkInstallationPackage-domain
ITSM-server IP
Tigase-server IP
Turn-server IP
Assume we have ITSM domain on-prem.company.local on IP (ITSM-server).
It means that base domain is company.local (doesn't matter which ip it has. This entry not used in the system).
Next subdomains must be related to base domain.
Rmm-domain - rmm-api.company.local (IP same as ITSM-server)
Patch-Management-domain - plugins-api.company.local (IP same as ITSM-server)
Audit-log-domain - auditlogs-api.company.local (IP same as ITSM-server)
Download-domain - dl.company.local (IP same as ITSM-server)
Xmpp-domain - xmpp.company.local (IP tigase-server)
RealtimeDeviceCommunication-API-domain - rtdc-api.company.local (IP same as ITSM-server)
RealtimeDeviceCommunication-Relay-domain - rtdc-relay-01.company.local (IP same as ITSM-server)
BulkInstallationPackage-domain - bip.company.local (IP same as ITSM-server)
Required subdomain list which should be resolved
From Endpoint Manager (ITSM) -server
- xmpp (to tigase-server)
From Tigase-server
From administrator endpoint (web access)
- rtdc-api (to ITSM-server)
- rtdc-relay-01 (to ITSM-server)
From enrolled device endpoint
[ITSM] - customer specified ITSM_DOMAIN (to ITSM-server)
- bip - bulk installation package download host (to ITSM-server)
- rmm-api - rmm logs reporting (to ITSM-server)
- auditlogs-api - audit logs reporting (to ITSM-server)
- rtdc-api - remote tools configuration (to ITSM-server)
- rtdc-relay-01 - remote tools download file (to ITSM-server)
- plugins - alerts, patch management, software inventory logs reporting (to ITSM-server)
- xmpp - persistent connection for receiving push messages and remote control commands (to tigase-server)
From remote control tool
[ITSM] - customer specified ITSM_DOMAIN (to ITSM-server)
- dl - check and download updates (to ITSM-server)
- xmpp - remote control communication (to tigase-server)
Scheme example: