Advanced Search
Advanced search lets you fine-tune your search using a number of filters.
To open the Advanced search option:
- Tap the drop-down icon on top-right then tap 'Advanced Search' option.
- You can filter tickets by any combination of 'Keyword' (text), 'Status', 'Assigned To', 'Ticket Category', 'Date Range From/To', 'Priority Level', 'Category', 'Type', 'Departments', 'Closed By', 'Asset Type' and 'Customer Type'.
- Enter your search criteria and tap the search button
- Tickets which meet the search criteria is displayed.
- Tap the
menu at the top-right of the 'Advanced Search' to reset/ remove filter
- Search: Initially, the 'list of tickets' screen displays the simple search mode. Once you search using 'Advanced Search' filters, the simple 'Search' filter clears and the placeholder text in the search field changes to 'Advanced Search Active'.
- Remove Filter: Tapping the text, 'Advanced Search Active' will automatically change the search type back to simple search mode. Note - The advanced search filter remains active until you enter a new search keyword in the simple search field.
- Cancel: Tap the 'X' / 'Cancel' symbol on top-right of the 'Advanced Search Active' screen to cancel the search without affecting the applied filters.