Open Tickets
The 'Open Tickets' area shows tickets which are currently in-progress.
- Select 'Open Tickets' on the dashboard to view a list of all open tickets.
- The
menu at top-right lets you view 'New Ticket', 'Advanced Search', 'Notifications', 'Refresh', 'Settings', 'About' and to logout of the app.
- Select any ticket to view more details and take ticket actions. You can search for specific tickets by entering the ticket number, user name or ticket subject in the simple search field.
- Tap the 'Advanced Search' option in the drop-down menu to search for tickets using other ticket criteria like 'Status', 'Assign To', 'Ticket Category', 'Date Range From/ To', 'Type', 'Departments', “Closed By”, “Asset Type”, 'Customer Type' and 'Priority Level'.
- Tap the hamburger at top-right at 'Advanced' search options lets you 'Reset Filters' or 'Remove Filters'.
- Info. View basic information about the person and department to whom the ticket is assigned, the date the ticket was created, the user that submitted the ticket, the time spent on the ticket and any billable time accrued by the ticket. The info tab also allows you to view and change the ticket source, the topic under which the ticket is categorized and the SLA plan associated with the ticket.
- Details. Contains a summary of the ticket text as submitted by the user. This area also allows you to change the ticket priority level, the type of asset which the ticket concerns and the ticket category.
- Thread. View all comments on the ticket so far.
Time Spent. Manually add work time through the 'TIME SPENT' tab. See 'Manage Time' to find out more.
- Materials. Add and manage material expenses on your ticket. See 'Materials and Expenses' to find out more.
- Tap
the hamburger
menu while a ticket is open to save ticket, refresh, post replies, claim a ticket, reassign the ticket, close the ticket, move it to another department and more:
- Save - Changes to take effect.
- Refresh - Implement your changes.
- Claim Ticket - Assign the ticket to yourself. Please note that this option is available only in unassigned tickets.
- Post Reply - Allows you to post a response to the ticket. Your response will be visible in the 'Thread' area'. The reply menu also contains the following options:
- Email reply - Send an email to the user containing your response in addition to your post.
- Canned response - Use a pre-prepared text as your response or acknowledgment. You can elaborate on this text with your own comments, or post the canned response on its own.
- Ticket status - Close the ticket immediately after your reply is posted.
- Attachments - Browse for files to add to the ticket.
- Service Type - Select a service offered during the session from the drop-down. The charges for the current session is calculated based on the time spent, asset type mentioned in the ticket and the service contract associated with the customer company.
- Reopen on reply - Reopen a ticket if your response will start all possible work on the ticket. The ticket will be automatically opened when the response is sent to the user.
- Is Billable: Specify whether the time is billable by selecting the checkbox.
- Post Internal Note - Internal notes will appear in the ticket thread but will be visible only to staff members. You can capture and attach a photo, or attach an existing photo to the note. See Internal Note to find out more.
- Department Transfer - Change the department to which the ticket is assigned. You can optionally add a reason for the change in the 'Comments' section. Note - tickets that are paused or overdue cannot be transferred.
- Assign/Reassign - Assign new tickets to a staff member, and reassign tickets to different staff members. You can communicate a reason for the change in the 'Comments' section:
- Share - Share your ticket details with other staff and users via email. See 'Share Tickets' to know more.
- Reopen Ticket - Resume work on the ticket. Enter a note for reopening.
- Close Ticket - Close the ticket. You have the option to specify a reason for the closure.
- Delete Ticket - Deletes the ticket. Note - deleted tickets cannot be recovered and all attachments will also be deleted.
- About - View details about the app.
- Logout - Logout of the app.