Configure Custom Dashboards
- The custom dashboards area lets you view query results as charts. This allows you to see data from often complex queries in an easily digested format. See 'Configure Event Queries'' if you need to learn how to create queries.
- Click the 'Menu' button at top-right
- Choose 'Investigation'
- Click 'Custom Dashboards':

The custom dashboards area is initially a blank palette, awaiting your first custom dashboard:
- The left-hand panel shows custom queries for each customer. Select a customer and a query to view the custom dashboard for that query on the right.
- Each dashboard can contain four charts per query.
Custom Dashboards Interface - Table of controls |
Select the customer for whom you want to query events and/or add custom queries. |
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Allows you to search for a particular query. Enter the name of the query fully or partially and click on the search icon or press 'Enter'. The queries matching the entered text will be listed. To view the full list of queries again, clear the search field and press 'Enter'. |
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Allows you to expand or collapse the list of queries. To collapse, click the first button and to expand it, click the second button. Click the refresh button at the end to instantly update the query list. |
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Allows you to import saved queries to configure and view as custom dashboard. |
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Allows you to export queries. |
Allows you to add a new 'Dashboards' folder to the left side panel. |
Allows to edit the name of a 'Dashboards' folder. |
Allows you to a add a new dashboard by selecting an event query added for the selected customer. |
Allows to delete selected dashboards folders or dashboards. |
The interface allows administrators to:
- Manage Dashboard folder
- Configure a custom dashboard
- Create an event query for specific events from the Dashboard
- Edit a dashboard tile
- Delete a dashboard tile
- Import queries to custom dashboard
- Export queries from custom dashboard
You can create and manage dashboard folders to accommodate the custom dashboards of specific type and to display them as tree structure.
To create a new Dashboard Folder
- Select the parent folder under which you wish to create a new folder
- Click the
button at the bottom of the screen.

- Enter a name for the folder and click the 'Add' button
- Private – This option will be available for first level folders. If selected, the folder will be accessible only for the user who created it and the administrator. Other users will not be able to access the folder.
- Click the 'Add' button
You can add new dashboards under the folder.
To edit the name of a dashboard folder
- Select the folder and click the
button at the bottom
- Edit the name as required and click the 'Save' button
To delete a custom dashboard folder
- Select the folder and click the
button at the bottom.
The confirmation dialog will appear.
- Click 'Yes' to confirm the deletion.
- You can add any number of custom dashboards for a customer for different event queries.
- If required, you can create new queries specifically for custom dashboards and save them, from the Custom Dashboard > Add dialog. You can also add existing queries.
- See Manage an Event Query in the section Configuring Event Queries for a tutorial on creating new queries.
'Name' +'Selected or Created Event Query' + 'Group By' + 'Aggregation Function' + 'Order By' + 'Limit'
- Name - A name to identify the chart.
- Selected or created Event Query - The query whose results are to be displayed in the chart. The query can be selected from the list of queries, added from the selected customer or a new query can be created from the 'Add' chart dialog. The events that are detected based on the query for the last one hour will be displayed in the charts.
- Group By - The field, based on whose values, the events identified by the query are to be grouped and shown in the chart. Event groups will be formed so that each event group will have events with same value for the selected field.
- Aggregation Function - The event groups formed based on the fields chosen in the 'Group by' option, are ranked based chosen 'Aggregation Function'. The event groups are indicated in the charts in ascending or descending order as chosen in the 'Order by' setting. The available options are:
- Count - Event groups are ranked based on the number of events in each group.
- For example, if you choose Source IP as 'Field' then the group which contains the most events on a particular source IP will have the top rank and the group containing the lowest number of events is ranked lowest.
- You can further control how the data is displayed by modifying the 'Order By' and 'Limit' parameters.
- Sum - The event groups are ranked based on sum of values in another field that contains numerical value.
- If you choose 'Sum', you need to select another field that contains a numerical value, like 'bytes in'/'bytes out'.
- The event groups are ranked based on the sum of the values in the chosen numerical field from all the events in that group.
- For example, if we choose 'Bytes-in' as numerical value, then the system adds up the values in the 'Bytes-in' field of all the events in a group and ranks the group accordingly. The event group having the sum of values in the 'Bytes-in' field as maximum is ranked top and vise-versa.
- Average - Similar to above. Event groups are ranked based on the average of the values of the chosen numerical field from all the events in that group. (e.g. the average of values of 'Bytes_in' field of events in the group, if we take the same example as above)
- Maximum - Similar to above. The event groups are ranked based on the maximum of the values of chosen numerical field from all the events in that group.
- Minimum - Similar to above. The event groups are ranked based on the minimum of the values of chosen numerical field from all the events in that group.
- Order By - You can choose the order in which the event groups are to be indicated in the chart, based on their ranking. The available options are:
- Ascending - The group with the lowest rank will be top of the list. A limit of 5 will show the 5 groups with the lowest ranks.
- Descending - The group with the highest rank will be top of the list.. A limit of 5 will show the 5 groups with the highest ranks.
- Limit - The number of event groups to be displayed in the chart
- Create and save a query for identifying file transfer events
- Construct a chart by selecting the query
- Group the events by Source IPs
- Aggregate the event groups by the sum of 'Bytes-out'
- Set the chart to display top 5 groups in descending order
The screenshot below shows the resulting dashboard chart constructed with the parameters as described above:
To create a new dashboard
- Select the customer from the 'Customers' drop-down at the top of the left hand side panel.
- Select the appropriate folder or create a new dashboard folder under which you want to create a new dashboard. Alternatively, you can also select a folder while saving a dashboard.
- Click the
A 'New Dashboard' tab will be displayed.
Tip: You can also use the 'New Dashboard' tab that is displayed as the first tab on selecting a customer, to create a new dashboard. You can save the created dashboard by selecting an appropriate folder from the left side panel. |
The new dashboard contains four tiles to display four charts.
The option to select the graph type to show the query results will be displayed.
The available options are:
- Pie Chart
- Bar Chart
- Spider Chart
- Time Chart
- Stacked Bar Chart
- Choose a graph type from the options
The 'Add' screen will be displayed for configuring the results to be shown in the chart.
The interface allows you to enter a name for the chart and select from event queries that were pre-configured for the customer's network or create a new query. You can select the event query for which the chart is to be displayed, from the list by clicking the button.
- Create a new query for the custom dashboard - Click the
button then follow the procedure explained in 'Configuring Event Queries'.
Add Chart - Form Parameters |
Parameter |
Description |
Name |
Enter an appropriate name for the dashboard tile. |
![]() |
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Allows you to configure a new event query. |
Group By |
Aggregation Function |
Allows you to choose the aggregation operation to be applied for ranking the event groups and show them in ascending or descending order, in the chart. The options available are:
Allows you to choose the order in which the event groups are to be indicated in the chart, based on their ranking. The available options are:
Limit |
Maximum number of events to be shown in the chart |
Preview |
View the chart before adding it to the tile |
Add |
Commit the chart to the dashboard. |
- To create a new query, click the click the
button. The procedure is same as explained in the section 'Configuring Event Queries'.
- To select a predefined query, click the
Select the predefined query from the left.
The query filter(s) will be displayed on the right. If required you can add more conditions for the selected query. The procedure is the same as explained in 'Configuring Event Queries'.
- Click 'OK'.
The query will be added and displayed in the 'Add' chart.
- Enter or select the parameters for 'Group By', 'Aggregation Function', 'Order By' and 'Limit' fields as explained in the above table
- Click the 'Preview' tab to check the chart before adding it to the dashboard tile.
Placing the mouse cursor over a section will display the details of that particular event query.
- Click the 'Add' button
The configured tile will be added to the dashboard.
- Repeat the process to add more number of tiles to the dashboard as explained above.
- Click the 'Save' button.
The 'Save' dialog will appear.
- Enter the name for the dashboard in the 'Name' field.
- Select the period at which the event query results chart should be updated from the 'Refresh Interval' drop-down. The options range from 30 seconds to 5 minutes.
- Click the 'Save' button.
The dashboard will be saved and its name will be displayed on the tab and under the folder it was saved.
The 'Save As' button allows you to save the dashboard with the same parameters and with a different name. You can then edit the dashboard according to your requirement. You can add as many custom dashboards for various event queries configured for a customer by repeating the same process.
Create an Event Query for Specific Events from the Dashboard Chart
You can create new event queries for the customer to view the filtered results from the dashboard tiles.
To create a new query
- Click on the portion of the chart that indicates the events for which a new query is to be built
The query builder will open for the customer, with all the query parameters pre-configured for the specific event type indicated in the chart.
- If you want to change the parameters, directly edit on the 'Query Builder' interface.
- To view the results of the query, click 'Search'. The results will be displayed as a table in the lower right pane.
- Choose the folder in which the query is to be saved, from the list of folders in the left hand side pane and click 'Save'
The Query will be saved. You can search for the events at anytime using the query.
The custom dashboard tiles can be edited at anytime to change the query for which the results are displayed, the grouping and aggregation operation of the results and so on.
To edit a dashboard tile
- Place the mouse cursor over a tile to view the 'Edit', 'Delete' and 'Tool Tip' icons.
- Edit the chart details as required and click the 'Update' button
Delete a Custom Dashboard Tile
You can remove unwanted tiles from the dashboard, at anytime, and make room for new tiles to be added.
To delete a tile
- Place the mouse cursor over a tile to view the 'Edit', 'Delete' and 'Tool Tip' icons.
Click 'Yes' to confirm the deletion.
Import Event Queries to Custom Dashboard
- You can import saved event queries to use them in a custom dashboard.
- Imported queries can be used as is or altered to suit the requirements of the customer. Please note - exported event queries can only be imported to their respective sections.
- For example, event queries exported from the report section can only be used in the report section. Also, the values in the filter items in the exported events for tagged and list events will be set to default values.
To import a query or query folder
- Select the customer from the 'Customers' drop-down at the top of the left hand side panel for which you want to import the saved queries
- Click the 'Import' button at the bottom
Navigate to the location where the event query file is saved.
Select the file and click 'Open'
The event query or event query folder will imported and will be listed under 'Imported' folder.
Select the query from the list and configure the custom dashboard as explained above.
Export Event Queries from Custom Dashboard
- You can save event queries in order to use them for other customers.
- Imported queries can be used as is or altered to suit the requirements of the customer.
- You can export a query folder or a particular query. Please note - exported event queries can only be imported to their respective sections.
- For example, event queries exported from the report section can only be used in the report section. Also, the values in the filter items in the exported events for tagged and list events will be set to default values.
To export a query or query folder from the Custom Dashboard
- Select the customer from the 'Customers' drop-down at the top of the left hand side panel.
- Choose the query or query folder to be exported, from the 'Queries' list at the left.
- Click the 'Export' button at the bottom
The file will be downloaded to your download folder. The saved query can be imported for use on another customer account.