Alert and Notices
- The alert and notices provide
real-time notifications as email and In-App Notifications to the Agents for new
ticket creation and ticket assignment.
- You can easily manage the ticket alerts and notifications response to specific events, such as user registration/creation, ticket creation, ticket reply, overdue, and so on. You can send ticket alerts and notices to various levels of users via email and in-app notifications on specified events by configuring the Alert and notification option.

- Select the checkboxes of the corresponding members to send an email or notification on the specific activity.
New ticket alert - This setting is used to inform the corresponding members that a ticket has been assigned.The admin and department members should be notified if you enable this checkbox.
Ticket assignment alert - This setting will notify the members who need to know that a ticket has been assigned to them. The agent and team members should be notified if you assign any ticket to the agents.
- Enable - Set the status to enable if you want to receive alerts and email notifications for activities performed on the system by the admin/agents/clients.
- Disable - If you don't want the alerts and notifications to be sent, set the status to disabled.
- Click 'Submit' to save your changes